Women Philanthropists
Women are MAJOR forces in philanthropy, nationally
and internationally
It is my utmost honor to help women confidently step into their own philanthropic power. I can help you focus your goals and find the area where you can make your most fulfilling investments.

I will help you gather the necessary knowledge of the philanthropic landscape in your area of interest. What’s out there? Where will your contribution make the biggest difference? I’ll help you navigate this journey.
My job is to support powerful women who are engaging in philanthropy at the community and grassroots level to make significant changes that matter deeply to them.
Dollars are not the only measurement when it comes to how women can support their community. Influence, advocacy, time and expertise are all critical roles.
I will help you discover your passion and learn how you can make the most impact.

“Like the flapping of butterfly wings...the smallest, seemingly insignificant action by one can influence destinies for many.”